Notes On the Fly
When you begin to really 'match the hatch' try to catch a few of the bugs and really compare them to your imitations. My tying and fly selection really began to change when I started this process.
Your perception of a bug can be a little different than you think when they are in the air, on the water, or even in your hand. I know after a few years of matching the hatch successfully I still struggle with this same thing!
I picked this fly (seen in the image above) a #20 Medallion Trico Dun because it appeared to be the correct match when I first examined the air and water. Not until I caught a bug and tossed it in my trico box did I see I was 2 sizes off... as usual I needed a smaller pattern. Right around the time I started putting real bugs in my fly boxes was when I started tying all my flies smaller... and catching more fish. Give it try and see if it helps you.
I guess I need tips on how to keep my tackle clean and ready for use for the next outing.
I wondered if you have a fly rod rack right next to your front door where a nice creel and net hang.
Do you use fly line cleaner after every time you go?
As for cleaning, I only clean my line if it looks dirty or doesn't float. I clean all other equipment once a year. I hang my waders in a closet to dry, and I leave my boots out of the house.
thanks for stopping by Bob!