If you have followed my blog at all you may remember my obsession with tying a stonefly that is easy enough to take to the tribs. This season I have created, used, and had success with a new stonefly pattern... and you can see that blog post
here. That fly worked, but after I lost 2 or 3 in one trip I was more heart broken than I planned. The fact is they still took too long at the vise. When I sat down to replenish the stash, I changed the pattern yet again...
Hot Bead Easy Stone |
Same tail (stretch magic .5mm), and body (black med tubing)... but different legs, wing case, and thorax. This new version is a breeze. Basically it is black dubbing, with a pinch of peacock ice dub, and a black hackle collar. I tied versions with black bead head, thread head, and a hot bead head... and all versions worked.
Easy Stone (wet) |
I caught fish by dead drifting the fly, and it also brought strikes on a wet fly swing. The steelhead couldn't get enough, and when I lost a few it didn't hurt so bad. Give them a try this lake run season, or try them anywhere fish eat stoneflies!
The Average Joe Fisherman