After an almost hatch-less Spring the tricos have come to save the season, and the trout are looking up! This has got me back to the bench tying dries again so I thought I would throw up a post. Below I have step by step instructions for an easy and effective male trico spinner pattern.
Feel free to click the pictures for a better look but please do not use any of my images without my permission.
Tricos as far as the eye can see...
And here's a close-up of what I'm trying to imitate...
Ok here we go...
Step 1: Get a #20-26 2xs curved shank hook (I usually stick with 22 and 24). Start the thread in the thorax so you don't bulk up the body. Use the smallest thread you have, something smaller than 8/0 is ideal. |
Step 2: Tie in 3 synthetic tail fibers, around 2 to 3 times the length body. Work the thread down and back only tying them in straight, do not X wrap and split the tail as this bulks up the body.
Step 3: Cut a piece of clear medallion sheeting and twist it like a bow tie. Then X wrap it into place.
Step 4: Dub up some black superfine. Keep it kind of loose this will create a bulkier/leggier thorax without the bulk or the addition of hackle legs. |
Step 5: X wrap the dubbing. Check the underside to make sure it looks good. You can trim it up if it's too bushy. |
Step 6: Whip finish and superglue the knot. Also split the tail fibers with your thumb nail and superglue the back part of the body where the tail comes in (make sure you use the brush-on kind of superglue), this will keep the tails splayed. |
Step 7: Trim the medallion wings to shape. I trim mine slightly smaller. They will catch fish and cast with less tippet twisting with smaller wings. This doesn't mean the wings can't twist the leader, so be mindful of this on the river. My tip to avoid leader twists is to eliminate false casting, and/or mash up the wings a bit before the first cast. |
Here's the side view. Note the flush look and that loose superfine looking a bit like legs. |
This isn't my only trico pattern, but it is one of the best. It's easy to tie too so I don't mind when I snap a few off in the bushes. I hope you are fortunate enough to enjoy a good trico spinner fall where you live, if so try this little pattern out and let me know how it goes. I've posted a few photos of my latest trico trips on my
flickr page, check em out if you'd like.
Zach ~ appreciate the words, I checked your website out, great stuff!