This is a quick and easy mouse pattern, give it a try!
Material 1: A Craft Fur dubbing brush. Prepared earlier and in bulk if you're looking to save time. I spin up craft fur dubbing brushes in a few colors but mostly white, and in two sizes. Since they are built with wire they stay together and are ready to tie on when you need them! |
Materials 2 and 3: Foam cut like the photo above, and a rabbit or squirrel strip (I prefer squirrel). |
Ok if you want instructions on building the craft fur dubbing brush you can comment below and I'll post step-by-step pics on how I do mine... or you can check this
link for Nick Granato's method (scroll down to the bottom). Looking at Nick's instructions is how I learned, I just tweaked it a bit.
Remember, you'll most likely use these flies at night so don't get caught up in minor details like how neat it's tied, and how pretty it looks.
Now lets tie a rodent...
Step 1: Tie in the squirrel tail. |
Step 2: Tie in the foam at the back. I use a single strip of foam for #6-10, and a double strip for anything bigger. |
Step 3: Tie in pre-made craft fur dubbing brush in the back. |
Step 4: Wrap the brush forward, pinching the fur back each wrap. Leave a generous gap between the last wrap and the eye. |
Step 5: Fluff out the fur and tie all the fibers back away from the eye. |
Step 6: Fold the foam over the top gurgler style, making sure the craft fur gets worked down and back towards the hook. You can dub a little at the head to post the foam flaps up a bit. |
Step 7: Whip finish and superglue the head. |
Step 8: Trim the fur flush exposing the hook. Also trim the sides a bit giving it that mouse looking taper. |
Step 9: (optional) Color the fur to match the foam and tail strip. Any permanent marker will work fine on craft fur. Remember it's going to be dark so don't go too crazy. |
That's it! Here's the fly after taking a swim. Note the craft fur soaks up the water allowing this fly to float low in the film with just the 'head' sticking out. It also splats loudly with all that absorbed water. |
Here's the top view after the swim. |
Mousing is new to me, but I can tell you in my limited experience this fly catches fish, and it floats all night long. It's also easy to tie, and a nice base for extra bells and whistles if you'd like, perhaps rubber legs, stinger hooks, articulated, etc... Have fun and wade carefully.
Brian - If I'm not mistaken, fishing at night also requires another state. It's not allowed in (stupid) NY if I remember correctly.