I have been running a website dedicated to just my photography for a few months now, and I try to update it regularly. It has (what I think to be) my best work on it. If you have a minute check it out and let me know what you think! www.lucascarrollphotography.com

I'm also headed to Salt Lake City, UT next week to visit a good friend, climb some rocks, and of course fish! I'm looking forward to a new adventure, and meeting new friends that share the same love of photos and fishing. I will also be doing a fly tying demonstration and photo slideshow at the SLC main library on Thursday April 29th at 7:00pm, if you live in the SLC area stop by!
Thanks Brian!
Bigerr~~ Not sure where I'll be fishing UT. Thanks for the input, i've been meaning to update this blog as well.