Website and Upcoming Trip to Utah

I have been running a website dedicated to just my photography for a few months now, and I try to update it regularly. It has (what I think to be) my best work on it. If you have a minute check it out and let me know what you think!

I'm also headed to Salt Lake City, UT next week to visit a good friend, climb some rocks, and of course fish! I'm looking forward to a new adventure, and meeting new friends that share the same love of photos and fishing. I will also be doing a fly tying demonstration and photo slideshow at the SLC main library on Thursday April 29th at 7:00pm, if you live in the SLC area stop by!


mike doughty said…
i hope you have a good visit in utah and hopefully you will find some rivers that aren't in run-off stage yet. they are starting
bfly said…
Luke - Have a great trip, take lots of photos, catch lots of fish and have fun with the presentation....I'll see you when you get back!!!!
Bigerrfish said…
Nice site! good luck with your trip. Where you gonna fish webber?, provo?, Green? oh one more thing man... you really need to change the color of the text in the coments to something other than black,,, I know I know I can highlight it but... another shade of black perhaps...
Lucas Carroll said…
Mike ~ I hope it works out... either way it will be fun exploring!

Thanks Brian!

Bigerr~~ Not sure where I'll be fishing UT. Thanks for the input, i've been meaning to update this blog as well.
GFP said…
I used to visit Provo every 2 years as a kid, but not until my last trip or two did I start fly fishing more and more. We'd fish every trip, but often just spinning rods mixed with fly rods when on the creeks. At the top of my list of places to fish are many of the places in Utah that my grandfather use to take us. I'd give Brians right arm for a trip out there again someday. hey, i'm not giving up MY casting arm for the trip, so I had to offer up his!